Monday, May 25, 2009

Let's Blondly Go...

So yeah, I stole Frezno's idea [along with OmegaZultan, may I add] to do Let's Blindly Plays. Will be updated daily. Have fun :D

Monday, May 18, 2009

I'm leaving....

but only for a week though. I'm going on vacation to Pennsylvania and then to West Virginia for 6 days.... the cool part is that the majority of it is paid for. The tickets, hotel, rental car, food... it's all paid for. I'll try and have an update for yugioh done unless I get sidetracked somehow.... which never happens 5% of the time, and that's right 95% of the time. Anyway, just letting ya know.
Peace McNuggets. mmmmm McNuggets *gargles and drools*

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Update: 2021... or just what I'm doing now.

What do you know, I'm doing something I'd say I'd do for once. It's amazing what you accomplish when you find yourself bored at 2 in the morning. Anyway, on to the meat of this post:

As many of you probably don't know, I recently got Guitar Hero: World Tour (360), Assassin's Creed (360), and Final Fantasy 10 (PS2).
First off, I know a few of you are wondering why I got FFX; simple, I got stuck on it in my younger years, and put it off until the disc was worthless. I never finished it, so I plan on doing that now, that and my PS2 is in my room, so I wanted something good and long to playthrough while I am in there. (The 360 and Wii are in the living room) Now on to the rest-

I got GH:WT now because I got Rock Band 2 first. Yes, I'm a drummer. The drum kit for GH:WT was a piece, and as far as I know still is. The cymbals can come loose very easy, and the red pad was somewhat worthless. Like I said, I don't know if they fixed it or not, and I don't care. I have the game, and I have my RB2 kit. Thank you backward compatibility. All my RB2 instruments work for GH:WT, and that's what matters. Plus, if I really want the cymbals and that extra note on the screen, I'll go buy the cymbal kit. It's so easy.

Now then on to why I got Assassin's Creed... It's awesome, just awesome. Go get it now. I'm not kidding. I'm just past what I would call the tutorial levels, basically the end of memory block one. First part of Masyaf, and it's awesome so far. Like so awesome in every way I felt crying because of how incredible it is. I might even post my views on it (A Jim Daddy Review-ish Thing).

That's basically what I've been up to. Oh, and before I get ragged about it, I got the next update for Yugioh Screenshotted, but not typed up as I've been busy with other things lately regarding school and a week-long vacation next week, but more on that later.

Peace McNuggets. mmmmm McNuggets *gargles and drools*

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Hi, I'm Jim Daddy....

... and I have a neck breaking problem. As many of you know I've been ranting on MGS2 lately, and am on my 2nd playthrough of it. However, I've noticed that on this run I've broken an insane number of necks, thus alerting the guards more often because I'm too lazy to drag them into lockers or dark areas. The bad part is, if I'm not breaking their necks, I'm shooting them or tranquilizing them (pending the number of guards in the room). For some strange reason I just want them all to die... maybe it's because of how badly I got bullet raped towards the end of the game. Actually, just that one portion. You know what I'm talking about if you've played it. If you haven't played it, GO NOW. I'll wait...
You see what I mean?
Oh, BTW- the swimming in MGS2 sucks.... like hardcore suck.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

OMG Guys! I'mma getting married!

You know what I don't get: why is it that some people try to be random? That sort of defies the whole point of random. According to Merriam-Webster, the act of being random is defined as:

without definite aim, direction, rule, or method

Surely, trying to be random completely contradicts the definition of the word as if you were to try you're putting effort into it which has aim and method...

This is purely a thought I had earlier today that I felt like sharing with you all and I'm sure those of you who paid even a minor amount of attention will have noticed that the post title has nothing to do with the subject matter :3

Well, that's all for today so ta-ta for now!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

*Wanders In* Wow, I Forgot About This Place...

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Everyone laugh at the guy who FORGOT. Meh. I've had a lot on my plate. Namely exams. So, there.

But now I'm back, and I've got something a little special for you guys...

Basically, at my school, you get study leave. Yay. That means that, during exam times, you get to stay at home and 'study'. However, I have such a low concentration span, that I can barely study for 2 hours without dying. So... I propose this.

STEP 1: At the moments, I'm LPing Xena: Warrior Princess. When that's finished [hopefully soon], I'll be starting on another LP, unless something else takes over. What I want you guys to do is to suggest a game. ANY GAME [obey the Shithard, Generic and ROMHack clauses]. I will then choose one by random selection.

STEP 2: After I've chosen the game [remember, I'm putting something on my Y'T' about this], I'll ask you guys for quirks. 'Quirks' are not ways to play the game. Rather, they are ways to COMMENTATE e.g accents, 'Clean' Tourettes etc. I will then randomly pick them out and assign them to a video. I'll be selecting a few people to do co- commentary [these include everyone on this Blog, along with a select other few]. I will then post the list here, amongst other places. These guys need to obey the Quirks rule also [if they agree to do it, of course].

STEP 3: *Make her open the box...* *Ahem* This is where the GIMMICKs come in. You guys need to then determine how to play the level. For example, you may want me to play it with my contrast way up, a song looping etc. It doesn't have to make it harder though. Remember that.

So, that't about it. Post your suggestions for all, in the comments below.


- QC (Gay Weirdo)

Woo I'mma Back! :D

As JD lampshaded a couple of days ago, I had some computer troubles but as can be noticed from both the fact that I'm posting this (and the thread title) these are gone now :D

As I posted in my thread, I'll be updating KHCoM (Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories) later tonight; most likely sometime after 9PM GMT (that being 3PM or 4PM for those that live in the States depending on whether in Central or Eastern time.

Now, to respond to a few points the easy way :

"Rath has abandoned the FF4 SSLP (at least as far as I know) and he hasn't told anyone why... or at least not me. I'd really like to know why too- he had a good thing goin."

This one is easy: I just didn't like how it was turning out, and I wouldn't really call it abandoned either: I'll re-start it eventually. Not for a while, mind, but I will. And by that, I mean once I'm more experienced.

"Oh, and I might consider a SSLP of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team. I'm not entirely sure yet, but it's pretty fun to play, and there's alot that the readers can participate in"

As long as you handle it differently to NotPigeon (i.e. avoid the rifftrax approach), I'd love to see it... just gotta hope that Grawl doesn't do a Slowbeef and ban Pokemon LPs ;D

"I have been checking this daily, seeing if anyone else besides me had made a post."

I've been the same, and I remembered I could (seeing your name on the right makes it easier ;P), but I just had nothing to write about.

And, on a minor off-topic note, my neck really fucking hurts.

Well, that's all for today, so ta ta for now!

Monday, May 4, 2009

What soft? But light yonder window breaks or whatever the hell Shakespeare wrote

First off, I'd like to say that I agree with JD. I have been checking this daily, seeing if anyone else besides me had made a post. I sorta forgot I could...but that's another story. Anyway, you won't see much of me on the internet for the next 3-4 weeks because of various reasons. Baseball, for starters, is getting into high gear right now. Then there's finals for some classes at my high school...which I'm not excited for. Point is, I won't be uploading videos often, if at all, for the next month or so. I'll still be on skype, but that's about it =p

Friday, May 1, 2009

Slow Times... like the New York Times... except not at all

Well then, there hasn't been much posting as of late, but there's good reasons though:
Me and Rath both are having computer issues at the moment. Well, he is, I just fixed mine today, so the next update shouldn't be to horribly far away. Keep in mind that word- shouldn't. I haven't test my desktop with both the emu and SnagIt going at once, so I could be in hot water there, though I doubt it. While we're on the topic of SSLPs- Prestige updated his like he said he was going, so if you haven't seen it (even though it's been done like a week now) you should, unless you hate children that is. Rath has abandoned the FF5 SSLP (at least as far as I know) and he hasn't told anyone why... or at least not me. I'd really like to know why too- he had a good thing goin. QC.... well I think he just forgets about the Blog alot. Oh well, maybe one day we'll have more that 7 people read this.... and maybe one day I'll make a video for this and upload it. Anyway, more of my stuff.... since I'm the one writing this.

I'm hoping to start doing fairly regular things on here- things along the lines of ranting, reviewing the game I just completed, speaking on how MGS2's ending crammed my head with some much information about the game that I forgot for a moment if the game actually had a story line until that point or if they were going to complete the entire thing in that 45 minute cutscene, how I'm doing on my current games... things like that. I'm hoping that the other authors will do that as well just because it's cool. Anyways, just dropping by to say that we're not on our death beds. Oh, and I might consider a SSLP of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team. I'm not entirely sure yet, but it's pretty fun to play, and there's alot that the readers can participate in. Plus it's a pretty nice story so far, I'm through it for the first time at the moment, and reading Not Pigeons SSLP of PMD: Blue RT at the moment as well. However, the biggest reason I wouldn't do it is because, as far as I've seen, there's not one damn difference between Red Rescue Team for the GBA and Blue Rescue for the DS (NP's one). They're the fucking same thing! Even the damn dialogue is recycled! Like I said though, so far it's not different. NP's much further than me so I'm not the authority on it by any means. Oh, and just BTW, do women have a thing for unemployed men? I lost my job and now they're lining up for me- it's crazy.

Peace McNuggets. mmmmm McNuggets *gargles and drools*