Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Final Fantasy IV Update?!

So, for the first time in around a month I updated my Final Fantasy IV Advance LP. Link can be found in the title and I was wondering: do y'all actually care about this LP any more (I know that Metroixer does, due to his response when I told him I was writing it)?

I know CFBalla has something he'd like me to do after Kingdom Hearts (it's a secret for now :P), so I was wondering if y'all think I should stop this LP (there are pros and cons for both; for example the game's about to get really fucking awesome... but we're nowhere near 1/10th of the way through the game yet) and I'll definitely finish KHCoM first (due to weekly updates and all) which means that - for all intents and purposes - the other LP (which will not be revealed just yet) can be started but I'd like to have no other SSLPs ongoing when I start that so I can focus on that without another one at the back of my mind. Decisions, decisions...

And speaking of updates, JimDaddy when are YOU gonna update again?


Jim Daddy said...

Well then, since you called me out on it, I finished writing it today and am uploading them now. All that's left is BB Code. BTW, mind sharing with a friend what this secret project is?

Jim Daddy said...

Also, it's 62 images long.

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