Thursday, April 2, 2009

360 Issue fixed! and Yugioh SSLP Chapter!

So I went on the internet today (like everyday) and searched to see if anyone else had issues with their 360 like I had been having, and guess what; Jackpot. I stumbled onto this forum (don't ask what 'cause I sure as hell can't remember), and saw something to the likeness of install the game on the HD. Blew my mind, I had totally forgot about being able to do that. So I installed Rock Band 2 on there (6.3GB mind you), and played it for about 3 hours. Then I decided "Hey if this worked for RB2, then it should work for Fable 2" (as I have had the same issue with it as well). You guessed it, perfection. So now having installed my two "problem" games, I am quite happy (though not happy about them taking up 12.5GB of space). Not to mention I'm moving and have a hot date this Saturday. I'm going to watch Last House on the Left, so don't be surprised if post my opinion on it. I still have a crappy car though, but one thing at a time suppose. ;P
Also, I added Chapter 2 on the Yugioh SSLP which can still be found at Let's Play Forum and Super LP Bros, though LPF is way ahead in replies and fan-art. :) This chapter contains a surprise at the end, so you may to check it out sooner than usual.
One last thing, I may start a Let's Review Demos kind of thing soon . I would mainly be reviewing demos from the Xbox magazine till my internet at the new house gets situated right.


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