Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Stupid Xbox 360

So I went to put in the new disc I have for RockBand 2, and guess what... that stupid disc unreadable message comes up. Turns out, the eye is just a wee bit dirty. DIRTY! I've had my PS2 now for... 6 or 7 years and have never had that problem. Never did I have a problem with the original RockBand when I got it for PS2. Way to go Microsoft, if the eye is that sensitive, you should probably not put out a game system until you learn how to do it right. At least the original Xbox never gave me any trouble.


Dragonatrix said...

I'd say that my X360 works fine, but damn thing red ring'd yesterday... during the intro to Rude Mood :(

It had only been on for about 3 minutes for the first time in a WEEK at that point as well.

Dragonatrix said...

Owait, sorry, it wasn't yesterday. It was THIS MORNING. Damn my sleep deprived forgetfulness.

Jim Daddy said...

Crap, and that's a fun song too.

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