Thursday, March 26, 2009

New Name possibly

So, we have decided on a name for our blog: The Blog for True Nerds. As such, I want to change where the blog is located. Instead of being located at, it would be located at So, what do you think? Is it too much trouble to move the blog? Should we keep it where it is?


Dragonatrix said...

The blogs fine as is in my opinion. A domain name doesn't really influence the matter in any way, and someone who actually reads beyond the URL will note that this is a multi-person affair anyway.

CFBalla said...

Questions: Would we lose all the blogs we've already made? Would you have to start a completely different blog?

Might affect my decision, but otherwise, this is fine with me. Someone should see that there are more people involved in this.

Jim Daddy said...

@CF- Everything would stay the same, only the URL would change. Then again, Rath has a point.

@Rath- Awsome. If he'dlike to then I'd welcome him. Not to mention there's another to be here soon...

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