Wednesday, March 25, 2009

China bans Youtube, again [Rant]

The link in the title is the article I used to base this rant on. There are many others that have simpler messages, but that was the longest one I could find.

Ok, so guess what: China bans Youtube. What does that mean, exactly? Well, if you live in China, and you want to get on Youtube, you are screwed. Now why does this make me angry? Oh yeah, THE SAME THING HAPPENED LAST YEAR. Of course, I can understand why China did it last time. I'll link you to the article to save me some time Anyway, the thing that is bugging me is what the Chinese spokesperson had to say about it. He totally avoided the question. Here is the exact quote: Chinese government has taken up management of the network according to the laws," Now, I don't know about you guys, but I'd expect China to at least admit that they BANNED the site. This doesn't seem fair to the 300 million internet users in China that most don't care about the political stuff, just looking for some entertainment. There is also another website that Youtube faces "stiff competition" with the other Chinese video hosting site, I don't know if China is trying to make people use that instead of Youtube, but I doubt that.

Of course, we shouldn't be surprised at all. China is well known for blocking foreign websites that have "objectionable" content. This all started because of the March 20 video Tibetan Government in Exile. Since China doesn't like hereing about Tibet for some reason...which I'm too lazy to research.

To conclude, Youtube has been banned by many countries. Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, and Thailand have also banned it for various reasons, many relating to religion or the high authority. The main point I want to get across is that it's Youtube. Nobody is gonna start a war because of a video that seems questionable. I'm not Chinese, so they might differ in this view, but I've seen loads of videos dealing blows to America and our friends, and I don't see us really caring. And another thing is that China would not give the press an honest answer. That seems fair, but I think the people of China should know WHY the site was banned.

Disagree with me if you want, but I was kind of mad when I read the article. And, meh, it was my first rant. It might not have some key points, but I thought it was ok =D


Dragonatrix said...

Goddamnit China. Why'd you have to do this again? What goes on inside the Chinese Goverment's minds in order for them to think this is a good idea? ...Asfdhgkjlyarblegarble...

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