Saturday, April 18, 2009

Moar update news? Nowai!

Much like JD and Rath, I'm ready for an update. I've got the next part of the game played, taken 65 screenshots, and I'm ready to write it up later on tonight, so watch this space.

As for the update itself, the actual game progress isn't much - most of it is just wandering around a town. There's one boss fight at the end, but other than that, minimal action.

I should have it posted by tonight, so watch this space!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Speaking of Updating....

And speaking of updates, JimDaddy when are YOU gonna update again?

Ok Rath, you called me on it so I got off my lazy butt and typed the thing. Not much to say here except for this update is ridiculously long, 40 some-odd images to be exact. I've been busy lately playing MGS2 for the first time ever, and planning on getting MGS3 and possibly Bio Shock pending if I like the game play. Link to the LPF is in the title. Link to SLPB is here.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Final Fantasy IV Update?!

So, for the first time in around a month I updated my Final Fantasy IV Advance LP. Link can be found in the title and I was wondering: do y'all actually care about this LP any more (I know that Metroixer does, due to his response when I told him I was writing it)?

I know CFBalla has something he'd like me to do after Kingdom Hearts (it's a secret for now :P), so I was wondering if y'all think I should stop this LP (there are pros and cons for both; for example the game's about to get really fucking awesome... but we're nowhere near 1/10th of the way through the game yet) and I'll definitely finish KHCoM first (due to weekly updates and all) which means that - for all intents and purposes - the other LP (which will not be revealed just yet) can be started but I'd like to have no other SSLPs ongoing when I start that so I can focus on that without another one at the back of my mind. Decisions, decisions...

And speaking of updates, JimDaddy when are YOU gonna update again?

Friday, April 10, 2009

My new

Well, I made a new avatar in the paint application I found on Vista after browsing my computer for a bit...and as you can see, it looks like a freakin' 4th grader drew it or something. I just wanted some feedback on it and if you guys know any artists around these parts =p

Monday, April 6, 2009

Mah First Post here

Right, well here goes...

Got onto my reelputer for the first time in ~2 weeks just now >_>. Can't remember what the hell I'm meant to be

doing in my Final Fantasy V Let's Play, so I'll need to resort to some youtube. Hopefully I'll have section two of that written up in an hour or two.
EDIT: Accidentally closed the Fucking tab, so I'm leaving it till tomorrow. Learning from mistakes isn't fun.

Got Rock Band 2 last Saturday week, which is awesomes. Avenged Sevenfold "impossible" album challenge was awesome fun to play. Finished all the FC trophies off yesterday, but the game refuses to give me the 100% solo one >_>. I've done it twice, but gots nothing to show for it.

Well, I guess that's about all I have to say today, honoured to be part of this blog.


Friday, April 3, 2009

A Jim Daddy Reviewish Thing- Afro Samurai 360 Demo

So I took a break from moving today to play a demo from my most recent OXM Demo disc, and I have to say 2 things:
1. I haven't play the Halo Wars demo yet
2. Afro Samurai is AWESOME!

Yes that's right, there really isn't anything I didn't like about this game. There were no Quicktime events (which made me vewy happy) and near constant action with some of the best music in a video game ever IMO. There was something akin to bullet time, but they made it awesomer than any bullet time I have ever seen. There nothing like rushing around with a katana in your hand and your white headband flowing in the wind as slice and dice your enemies. I wasn't quite clear on how the health worked though. The best I can guess is that it is done from the amount of blood on your screen, I'm not sure though. The characters were somewhat well explained, but you can't expect everything from a demo ya know. I don't know much about the anime unfortunately, so I can't say anything on that front other than I know there was an anime (apparently an awesome on at that), about it by the same name. There was plenty of gore for those of you (and me) who are into that, and by into that I mean you though Nemesis from Resident Evil was beautiful. HOWEVER, the camera pissed me off. BIG TIME. Sometimes the control for it was inverted.... and sometimes not. It like a kid with ADD let loose in a candy store with a bottle of Vodka. So yeah, the camera I wasn't a fan of. The rest of it though.... freaking yes. If I actually had the money, I would buy it, and suggest you do the same. As a matter fact, go get it now; I'll wait....
Did you get it? Good. Now play it and agree with me.
Oh, did I mention it had Samuel L. Jackson voicing and narrating? Yeah there's that too. :P

Thursday, April 2, 2009

360 Issue fixed! and Yugioh SSLP Chapter!

So I went on the internet today (like everyday) and searched to see if anyone else had issues with their 360 like I had been having, and guess what; Jackpot. I stumbled onto this forum (don't ask what 'cause I sure as hell can't remember), and saw something to the likeness of install the game on the HD. Blew my mind, I had totally forgot about being able to do that. So I installed Rock Band 2 on there (6.3GB mind you), and played it for about 3 hours. Then I decided "Hey if this worked for RB2, then it should work for Fable 2" (as I have had the same issue with it as well). You guessed it, perfection. So now having installed my two "problem" games, I am quite happy (though not happy about them taking up 12.5GB of space). Not to mention I'm moving and have a hot date this Saturday. I'm going to watch Last House on the Left, so don't be surprised if post my opinion on it. I still have a crappy car though, but one thing at a time suppose. ;P
Also, I added Chapter 2 on the Yugioh SSLP which can still be found at Let's Play Forum and Super LP Bros, though LPF is way ahead in replies and fan-art. :) This chapter contains a surprise at the end, so you may to check it out sooner than usual.
One last thing, I may start a Let's Review Demos kind of thing soon . I would mainly be reviewing demos from the Xbox magazine till my internet at the new house gets situated right.